Waiver Support Coordinators List
Below is the list of Waiver Support Coordinators (WSCs) who serve the county you selected. If you want to pick a different county, you can click on the Choose a Different County button below. How to Use the Screen The list of Waiver Support Coordinators (WSCs) is presented as a table with a row for each WSC. The columns provide important work history and performance-based information for each WSC. The Experience column shows how long they have worked as a WSC. The Client Satisfaction Score shows the WSC’s rating based on the feedback of individuals they served over the past 18 months. Violations Count provides the number of violations (ethical and professional) reported during their career as a WSC. QO Name provides the name of the Qualified Organization (QO) where the WSC works. Each row also indicates whether the WSC is approved to work with people enrolled in the Consumer-Directed Care Plus (CDC+) program. To learn more about a WSC, select the Details button to the left of their name. You can also compare up to four WSCs by selecting the checkbox next to the names of the WSCs you want to compare and then clicking the Compare Selected WSCs button at the top of the table. Search Data: The first row in the table allows you to search for specific information within each column. For example, if you want to limit the list to WSCs whose names are Jo, enter “Jo” in the box under WSC Name. Sort Data: You can also sort each column by clicking on the column header. This will arrange the list in increasing or decreasing order based on the information you selected. For example, if you select Violations Count, WSCs will be listed in order by the number of violations they have received.
Please select more than one and up to 4 to compare!
Note: Satisfaction Scores are based on a 5-point scale. |